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Research: Other conditions

Autism (Acupuncture)

Scalp acupuncture for autism

Scalp acupuncture (SAP) may improve language development in children with autism. Twenty autistic children (4-7 years old) were divided into two groups, both of which underwent twice-weekly sessions of language therapy aimed at stimulation of cognitive and verbal abilities, over a period of nine months. Half of them also received twice-weekly SAP sessions using: Du 20, 26, GV17, temple needles and Yamamoto's New Scalp Acupuncture cerebrum and aphasia points. Both groups showed a significant improvement in cognitive and expressive language skills, but the improvement was markedly greater in those who also had SAP.

(Scalp acupuncture effect on language development in children with autism: a pilot study. J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Mar;14(2):109-14.)

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Post-operative surgery (Acupuncture)

Acupuncture before and during surgery greatly reduces side effects of opioids taken post-surgery

A Meta-analysis done by researchers at Duke have found that using Acupuncture before and during surgery greatly reduces side effects of opioids taken post-surgery, as well as common recovery markers. Patients who received acupuncture had significantly lower risk of developing most common side effects associated with opioid drugs compared with control: 1.5 times lower rates of nausea, 1.3 times fewer incidences of severe itching, 1.6 times fewer reports of dizziness and 3.5 times fewer cases of urinary retention.

Duke University Study: Link

Auricular acupuncture effective in treating post-operative nausea

The authors studied the effect of auricular acupuncture on postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). One hundred female patients undergoing transabdominal hysterectomy participated in the study. The patients were divided into two groups (auricular acupuncture treatment group and non-treatment group) in order to test the effectiveness of auricular acupuncture. There was no significant difference in age, weight, height or duration of anesthesia between the two groups of patients. The authors found a significant difference between the control and auricular acupuncture treatment groups in the incidence of vomiting 12 hours after surgery (68% and 30%, respectively, p < 0.01). They did not observe any noteworthy side effects from treatment. The researchers conclude that auricular acupuncture is effective in reducing vomiting following transabdominal hysterectomy in female patients.

Kim, Y. et al. Clinical observations on postoperative vomiting treated by auricular acupuncture. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine.

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